Finding My Voice

I recently spent a couple of hours with a friend who came into town for a very short time, a friend for whom I have the utmost respect and admiration. I love you Tori! I previously discussed my desire to start a blog with her  about a year ago because she started an amazing blog and I wanted her advice. She encouraged me to start a blog of my own and offered to answer questions for me so I naturally came up with every excuse not to do it. I told her that I really don’t know what I’ll blog about, what direction I want to take with it, or who will really care about it. Her response struck me as likely much more poignant than she realized. She said “you have a voice”. It’s a simple phrase and in most instances maybe it has very little behind it but it struck a chord with me. I’ve had several people encourage me to start blogging but I always found 101 reasons why I couldn’t or shouldn’t but it always came back to …. “Who is going to care what I have to say?” I’m finally at the point where I just don’t care about that quite so much. I am going to use this blog to talk about my interests and passions…much the same way most people do.

After moving to a new city and state 3 years ago and completely changing my life…I think I’m on a voyage to find my voice. I moved away from all of my family and friends, I’ve been challenging myself to break down the barriers previously put into place by fear and I’ve really stepped outside of my comfort zone in nearly every aspect of my life. Why not one more barrier? So…wherever this little blog takes me on this journey, I’m happy to go.